Products and Links

I have decided to take some inspiration from a growing issue i have seen- pool service companies who claim to know how to do leak detection. Some of them can, its not that difficult, it just takes a little practice and definitely patience. 

The syringes that are prefilled with the dye at the pool stores are not the best. there's some modifications that can be made, but for the DIY-ers out there, In the future, Aquadoctor may be offering out several products and packages that will allow a homeowner or pool service tech with the ability to check their pool better than most of the current available packages. Additionally, we are going to make a series of pool operation and diagnostic videos to help pool owners better understand their equipment and how it operates as well as things to consider when trying to diagnose a leaking pool. 

There are a lot of great online resources to learn about pools and pool leaks. and thier corresponding youtube channel are excellent. is a major supplier of specialty equipment for pool leak detection and plumbing pressure testing. 

This is not a product we NEVER use, but it is worth mentioning for pool leaks because in some very select scenarios it is definitely worth knowing about. That product is Fix-a-Leak. It will seal off very small plumbing leaks after being circulated through the system and basically plugging up the leak area with fibers/particles and then setting up as a temporary seal. The pool filter element has to be removed to use this product and definitely follow all instructions on the product label. Fix a leak can cause many issues. One issue is that it can clog up the venturi jet nozzels if they are not removed. The spa jets may never work the same after using this product without adjusting the valves and venturi nozzels correctly. Fix a leak help some and it may also be something a homeowner uses to hide a leak when selling a home with a pool. Be aware of this product, sometimes its good, sometimes its used incorrectly. It will be obvious during a leak detection if fix a leak was used. I have personally never used it but some situations make this a good thing to know about.

Pool covers are great in Florida for 2 reasons- the decrease evaporation and help keep your pool warmer in the winter. The lily pad style covers seem to work the best since they dont take up a bunch of deck space and are super cheap. You can also make some yourself by zip tying some black trash bags to hula hoops or if you would like to save the trouble and just order some at a pool store or online:

(More links to come on our favorite pool products and accessories)